Teen voice:Overcoming Fear
Overcoming Fear

July 2021
Pastor Kevin Cicchino
The Issue: Everyone seems to wrestle with some sort of fear. Today we will look at a number of these fears and see what Scripture says is the key to overcoming them. Let’s begin with the fear that often comes with the uncertainties of the future. With all of the big decisions that need to be made in life, along with preparing for college and a career, the many unanswered questions about the future can seem quite scary.
What does the Bible say?
Even David had a fear of the future. When his popularity grew in Israel and he was anointed to be the next king, Saul became very jealous and tried to kill him. Note what these verses show about David’s fear: I Sam. 21:10-12 – David fled from Saul and was even afraid that other people (such as Achish) would turn him in. I Sam. 22:1; 23:14-15 – Because of his fear, he hid from Saul in a cave, as well as in the mountains and in a forest. Psalm 34 is David’s response to the situation in which he found himself. Notice how David was able to come to grips with his fear: Ps. 34:4 – He sought the Lord, openly telling Him of his fears. Ps. 34:8 – He had confidence and peace in God’s goodness. Ps. 34:17, 19 – He knew God was aware and in control
What should I do?
We have an all-powerful God who cares for us. We can give all of our concerns about the future over to Him, allowing Him to do with them as He wills. When we trust Him, we can move forward with confidence, instead of fear (note Matt. 6:25-34).
How do I start?
Do you believe what the Bible says about God’s unchanging character, which includes His immeasurable love, kindness, and grace for you? If you do, you will naturally turn to Him as your Provider of peace and strength when you struggle with anxiety and fear. But of course, in order to believe what the Bible says, first you need to know what it says. Next you need to affirm Gods word out of you mouth and hold fast to it in your heart based on what Gods says; not your thoughts of anxiety or fear.
Here are some affirmations to start your path of peace:
- When we’re anxious about a decision we have to make, we can be confident that the voice of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is leading and guiding us.
- When our own hearts tell us that we don’t measure up, we can rest in the presence of a God who is greater than our hearts and does not condemn us.
- When our minds are filled with worry and doubt, our loving God doesn’t turn away; He stays with us, holding our hand and giving us strength.
- When we’re afraid of not having enough, our Heavenly Father assures us that He knows what we need even better than we do, and will provide it for us.
- When we feel like we’ve tried everything and don’t know where else to turn, Jesus promises us His peace, which is stronger than any peace the world can give us.
No matter what is causing your anxiety or fear, God is right there with you to give you peace, protect you, and provide what you need. There are many reasons we might feel worried, but God knows them all, and He has already overcome everything that troubles us. Amen! Give God the Glory!
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