How it all started...
April of 2012 Pastor Kevin was invited by a friend to minister a remote morning Bible study overseas from Ohio, USA. They happened to be a group of athletes, coaches and Doctors at an elite athletic training facility in Moscow, Russia. The power of God was great with many signs, wonders and miracles, resulting in hundreds of people being saved, delivered and transformed as they encountered the presence of the living God! This Bible study became our first outreach; building up a community of strong believers in the Moscow area growing to about 200 people, over a year's time.
Pastor Kevin and Bianca continued to teach the Bible basics as a need to further teaching those athletes and community in the areas of healing, faith and active evangelism. During this time Kevin and Bianca learned many techniques in training athletes and earned master certificates in the Russian Conjugate system, and Kevin also earned a Master of Sport certification from one of Russia's Sr Head coaches and developer of what is now known as Russian Conjugate system. Many of the techniques learned are being used today in conjunction with Bible based principles in one of the areas of ministry called Power Sports International-reaching athletes amateur to professional.
From 2012 to 2014 the community increased in size, and outreach ministry began to spread throughout Asia and Europe teaching and equipping others to mobilize in Kingdom ministry. Outreaches included building orphanages, training centers for evangelism, healing centers, and rescue and relief to victims of sex trafficking and child slavery.
In 2014 Kenya, Andre Pradesh, and Denmark- We started our first schools for pastoral leadership, and support ministry. We were unable to travel overseas to setup the ministry teams at that time in person. However, God showed us how to use technology to our advantage and reach to every corner that we were not able to be at physically.
We have deep-rooted friendships and pastoral relations in the Andhra Pradesh, India regions, Bungoma, Kenya, and Esbjerg, Denmark that formed during this time of teaching and raising up strong leaders to impact the regions. Many crusades took place as well. Some in open streets, parks or anywhere we could set up in the towns. This lead to many coming to the Lord and converting of faith! We praise God for all the Salvations, the move of the Holy Spirit filling, the Signs, Wonders, Miracles, families restored and countless curses broken, replaced by the Joy of the Lord. It is a privilege and honor to see hundreds of people free and then trained in the word of God to win souls for the Kingdom in ministry as well as everyday life displaying the fruit of "The Grace Life".
Over the years, Kevin and Bianca have continued to reach all over the world , spreading God’s word. Teaching and raising God fearing, Kingdom minded people every where possible to proclaim liberty in the name of Jesus! Many have come to our outreach in Ohio, USA received training and have gone back out. To the glory of God. We know it is the power of God and not us. If we are anything it is because of God, and what He can do!
Pastor Kevin and Bianca continued to teach the Bible basics as a need to further teaching those athletes and community in the areas of healing, faith and active evangelism. During this time Kevin and Bianca learned many techniques in training athletes and earned master certificates in the Russian Conjugate system, and Kevin also earned a Master of Sport certification from one of Russia's Sr Head coaches and developer of what is now known as Russian Conjugate system. Many of the techniques learned are being used today in conjunction with Bible based principles in one of the areas of ministry called Power Sports International-reaching athletes amateur to professional.
From 2012 to 2014 the community increased in size, and outreach ministry began to spread throughout Asia and Europe teaching and equipping others to mobilize in Kingdom ministry. Outreaches included building orphanages, training centers for evangelism, healing centers, and rescue and relief to victims of sex trafficking and child slavery.
In 2014 Kenya, Andre Pradesh, and Denmark- We started our first schools for pastoral leadership, and support ministry. We were unable to travel overseas to setup the ministry teams at that time in person. However, God showed us how to use technology to our advantage and reach to every corner that we were not able to be at physically.
We have deep-rooted friendships and pastoral relations in the Andhra Pradesh, India regions, Bungoma, Kenya, and Esbjerg, Denmark that formed during this time of teaching and raising up strong leaders to impact the regions. Many crusades took place as well. Some in open streets, parks or anywhere we could set up in the towns. This lead to many coming to the Lord and converting of faith! We praise God for all the Salvations, the move of the Holy Spirit filling, the Signs, Wonders, Miracles, families restored and countless curses broken, replaced by the Joy of the Lord. It is a privilege and honor to see hundreds of people free and then trained in the word of God to win souls for the Kingdom in ministry as well as everyday life displaying the fruit of "The Grace Life".
Over the years, Kevin and Bianca have continued to reach all over the world , spreading God’s word. Teaching and raising God fearing, Kingdom minded people every where possible to proclaim liberty in the name of Jesus! Many have come to our outreach in Ohio, USA received training and have gone back out. To the glory of God. We know it is the power of God and not us. If we are anything it is because of God, and what He can do!

Where we are headed...
Raise up a passion for souls and a passion to revive and mobilize the body of Christ. Helping members to see where they can use there talents to empower others in the gospel in the community at Live One Truth and speak that to the world.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.